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The foremost & preeminent supplier of professional film stock & service. Kodak has repeatedly shown itself to be a supporter of independent film in a manner unparalleled by any other organization. Whenever there's an event or program dealing with independents Kodak is there- and we thank & honor them for their steadfast support.

Interesting links:

Short films have hit the web in a big way. Explore the following links to find out more about Short Films. Other sites of interest:

Shortcuts IndieWire Article  
An e-zine focusing on independant film, music and television, indieWIRE interviews Shortcuts producer Larry Russo. Find out more about the producer and how the show got its start.

Shorts International Film Festival  
The Shorts International Film Festival, was developed to create a platform solely dedicated to the art of the short film. Shorts International Film Festival Inc., is a non-profit organization that will promote short films, act as a liaison between the filmmaker and industry insiders and provide a forum through which a variety of venues will be created.
Clemont Ferrand Short Film Festival  
Based in France, Clemont Ferrand runs the last week in January each year and focuses on the exciting Short Film industry. With over 1400 professionals and a 117,000 audience in 1997, this short film festival is one to tune in to.

ShortFilm Channel  
One of the best resources on the web to learn what's out there regarding short films today.

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This page was last updated on Thu, January 27, 2000 at 12:13 PM. Shortcuts™ is a trademark of Vision Entertainment Inc. Copyright © 2000 Vision Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.